
You can add your selected programmes to Favourites by first clicking the title of the programme, then the orange heart icon. In Favourites, you can sort and print the programmes.

3D Gallery Budapest

  • Permanent exhibition
    • kids programme
    • exhibition
    • guided tour
    Múzeumok Éjszakája a 3D Gallery Budapestben Ismerd meg a 3D Gallery Budapestet!  Különleges programokkal várunk mindenkit: interaktív… Tovább

Bibliamúzeum – Ráday Gyűjtemény

Blinken OSA Archivum

Budapest Gallery

  • Temporary exhibition
    • exhibition
    The various crises of recent years have led to a renewed openness to spirituality, with alternative faiths and cultures offering many people an… Tovább
  • 2024. June 22. 17:00 - 19:00
    • kids programme
    • creative workshop
    In the cyanotype (blue print) workshop, you can create a photo-like image using a 19th century imaging technique, light and a chemical reaction. With… Tovább
  • 2024. June 22. 20:00 - 22:00
    • other
    • performance
    • gastronomy
    Kombucha is a fermented beverage with a millennia-old history and famous for its miraculous health effects. With Fairy Ferment, you can learn about… Tovább

Eötvös Loránd University, University Library and Archives