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Sveta Maximova: “I was already wondering where I am” – Polyphony of Migrated-Self 

2024. June 22. 18:00 - 18:30

“I was already wondering where I am” is a multimedia performative act exploring the state of a migrated-self – a split I-position at the junction of the past and the future with no space for the now. Referring to Mikhail Bakhtin’s concept of the “Polyphonic-Self”, a performative act will metaphorize visually and audibly the multivoicedness and cultural syncretism that one experiences during the migration.

Constant attempts to integrate into a new environment intervenes with homesickness and lack of stability creating a state of mind diversified by the circumstances. Lost in languages and split in cultures, the migrated one faces the irreversible fragmentation of the Self. “I was already wondering where I am” will question the body of the ‘I’ and try to identify limitations of its plasticity and scalability.

The performative act will consist of two dimensions – plastic movement and voice. Predetermined actions of the performer will remind repetitive movements in ritual practices: the same set of movement trajectories will form a space where the action will lose its physical qualities shifting the spectator’s attention to the state of the whole space. A live conversation – one-self dialogue – will loop in polyphony defining the narrative of the whole performative act and creating the “Polyphonic-Self”.

Performance: Sveta Maximova - AY  
Sound design by Sergey Losev    
Jewish harp improvisation by Sati Isaeva