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Home is Where Work is?

2024. June 22. 18:30 - 19:30
guided tour

Interactive guided tour in the temporary exhibition 
With Anna Fabricius and Judit Csatlós, curator of the exhibition

Anna Fabricius, photographer and media artist, winner of the 2023 Kassák Prize for Contemporary Art, has been researching the changing cultural and individual-forming role of work for years. In this exhibition, she explores the increasingly common transnational family relationships that are the result of the global division of labour. Over the past year, she has worked with workers from the Far East employed in agriculture or manufacturing. The works they have created together are not documentary depictions, but rather situations created for the sake of video and photography, showing the personal experience of inclusion, acceptance, lack, family ties and responsibility. The organising force of the exhibition is 'invisibility'. Migrant workers are invisible to the majority of society and also their contribution to our common well-being, as well as the hidden forms of caring for each other and their loved ones.