Guided tour of the museum's renewed permanent exhibition

Learn about the history of the domestic fire department from ancient times to the present day. Viewing the new permanent exhibition of our reopened museum on May 3, 2023 with a guided tour.

Concert of the Central Orchestra of Disaster Management

Firefighting and music are inseparable concepts. Listen to the concert of the Disaster Management Central Orchestra.

The presentation of the XIII. district Traditions Keeper Volunteer Fire and Sports Association

What did the firefighter look like and what was firefighting like in the last century? You can find out from the traditionalists who appeared in period uniforms and equipment. You can try their cart. You can see how they put out the fire.

"Gerund" test

What was the life of the student firefighters in Debrecen like? How did you get into them? How strong are you? Try their iconic tool, the gerund.

Target shooting with a syringe

Firefighters of the old days put out fires with hand-pumped syringes. Now you can try how such a small syringe worked and how you can hit a target with it.

Presentation of contemporary fire extinguishers

Fire extinguishers can be found in every building and car. You can learn about their history and operation through the expert interpretation of private collector Sándor Kovács.

Air defense siren presentation

Air protection and danger signal. This is what the mobile air defense siren was for, the sound of which you can experience.

Presentation of today's fire extinguisher

What does a fire engine look like now? Come, see it, try it, sit in it! The professional firefighters will answer all your professional questions.

Presentation of old vehicles

What was a fire extinguisher like 100 years ago? An exclusive program, the hidden treasure of our warehouse is the Rába fire engine manufactured in 1924.

Presentation of the National Fire Prevention Committee: fire tray, interactive games

Interactive presentation of the National Fire Prevention Committee. Dress up as a firefighter and put out the fire in the tray using the putty syringe. Learn about the signs of fire alarms and carbon monoxide detectors.
