Ne kérdezd, ki voltam! [Don't ask who I was!] – Karády- evening: Solo performance by Eszter Nagy-Kálózy
Eszter Nagy-Kálózy and Róbert Vörös, the director, have jointly conceived this independent evening, which is based primarily on the songs of Katalin Karády, and takes us back to the forties with piano accompaniment and some prose.
"It was in the mid-seventies... My dad bought Katalin Karády's record, which was not allowed to be listened to or seen in cinemas until then, because it had been banned for a couple of decades. My dad loved her deep, booming voice... My mum was not very happy that this "femme fatale" had moved in with us, but she let it happen. That's how I got to know these songs. I started singing in the bathroom, I started "humming", I put towels in my hair to make it look longer, and I felt this femme fatale phenomena in me. Then 25 years passed, and Péter Bacsó called me and said he wanted me to come to the casting of the movie Smouldering Cigarette... Coincidence? Luck? Something more? And here I am again, under the spell of these wonderful songs..."
Piano: Dávid Mester
Director: Róbert Vörös
Duration: 75 minutes
Time: 8 pm
Floor 7, North Reading Room
The programme may be subject to change without prior notice.