Geometry now - international group exhibition
Geometry now
10 May 2024- 1 September 2024
The common foundation of regulation or organization, expressed through measurable elements, systems, or manifestations with numerical and formal characteristics, can provide a shared basis for various phenomena and entities. It bridges the abstract and concrete art forms, linking reimagined constructive directions, conceptual, progressive manifestations. The exhibition selects works of artists for whom geometric structure or formal order pattern is decisively determining, being either an established part of their artistic strategy or an intentional or unintentional but inevitable consequence.
Exhibiting artists:
BÁLVÁNYOS Levente (HU) | Beti BRICELJ (SI) | BULLÁS József (HU) | Georgi DIMITROV (BG) | Olena DOMBROVSKA (UA) | Rita ERNST (CH) | FORGÓ Árpád (HU) | FÜLÖP Tünde (HU) | GÁSPÁR György (HU) | GETTO József (HU) | Esther HAGENMAIER (DE) | JOVANOVICS Tamás (HU/IT) | KELLE Antal ArtFormer (HU) | HAÁSZ István (HU) | HALMI-HORVÁTH István (HU) | Christian HUTZINGER (AT) | KOVÁCS A. Gyula (HU) | KÖRÖSI Viktória (HU/AT) | Josef LINSCHINGER (AT) | Manfred MAKRA (AT) | MARAFKÓ Bence (HU) | MENGYÁN András (HU) | NAGY Barbara (HU) | NEM’S Judit (HU) | Ulrich NAUSNER (AT) | Rainer NÖBAUER-KAMMERER (AT) | OTTÓ László (HU/DE) | PÁL Katja (SI/HU) | PLESZNIVY Ákos (HU) | Claus PROKOP (AT) | Esther STOCKER (IT/AT) | SZÍJ Kamilla (HU) | TIHANYI Áron (HU) | VARGA Bertalan (HU) | VARGA György (HU) | VILIM Kati (HU/US) | Viktor VLAESKU (BG) | WOLSKY András (HU)
Curated by BENEDEK Barna